Import Your Speaker Deck and SlideShare Presentations
If you are anything like me you will have presentations listed on various platforms, and would also like to add them to Notist. In my case I had a large number of slide decks uploaded to both SlideShare and Speaker Deck dating back to 2011, and so I have a long list of presentations still not added to Notist.
Today, we are announcing a feature to help with this situation. You can now import your presentations from Speaker Deck and SlideShare. After importing your slides from one or both services, you will end up with a list of presentations in your account under Imported.

These won’t show up on your profile until you select to create a new presentation from that deck, or add it to a talk which doesn’t yet have slides attached. This is perfect if you are someone who took advantage of our Lanyrd import and now have a back catalog of drafts from Lanyrd which are missing a slide deck. One of your options when processing a deck is to simply remove it, so you don’t need to worry about creating duplicates.
You can find detailed documentation for Speaker Deck and SlideShare, or just head over to Notist, and the Imported navigation option under Edit Presentations.