Notist Blog

Articles about public speaking and news about Notist

Wearing a lanyard on stage

Take off your name badge!

One of the very early piece of advice I was given when I started out speaking at conferences has stuck with me the whole way though. It’s so simple and yet I see countless speakers at conference who either have never been told this, or with the many things you need to think about before going on stage, just forget. Speakers - remove your name badge!

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Crowds gathering

Welcome to the Notist blog

When Rachel and I decided to build Notist, we did so out of a need for better tools to support public speakers. We both speak at web design and development conferences (me sometimes, her constantly) and were frustrated with the state of the tools available to us. We figured that if we were frustrated, then others would be too.

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What’s this?

This is the blog post from Notist, a site for public speakers to share slides and build their speaking portfolio.